Battery Energy Storage System which provides carbon-free clean power and enables uninterrupted silent power supply while significantly reducing costs. Equipped with a hybrid inverter, lithium ion batteries, and intelligent energy management system, the Energy Storage System has the intelligence of combining grid power, solar energy, wind power and even DG power supply.
BESS also provides power back-up that reduces revenue loss to industries due to power cuts. It requires about 2 hrs. of charging and can be optionally remote monitored with encrypted data logging. It is designed as per IEC standards and the enclosure has IP - 54 protection. and in - house smart EMS for optimal performance and efficiency.
This Solution delivers savings through being retro-fitted to existing air-conditioners of any size and any kind in which the refrigerant is used to cool the air directly. Retro-fitting takes about one hour to complete and there are zero maintenance requirements. Even inverter based (VRV and VRF) air-conditioners. Our Solution for Refridgeration is applicable to any Industrial refrigerators used in the Manufacturing sector; e.g. food manufacturing or pharmaceuticals. Walk-in refrigerators used in the Food and Beverage sector
Monitoring through IoT enabled solutions translates to increased profitability. From smart energy and water management to ensure that all systems are operating at 100% efficiency
IoT Based Chiller Management, Radiant Heat Gas Burners, HVAC Monitoring, Various Parameters Monitoring
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